Online marketing for recruitmentSocial media has completely changed how we communicate. Millions of online conversations are happening at any one time. A quick search of these conversations reveal a variety of topics – family, sports, pop culture and news being some of the most popular.

Employment is also a hot topic. People talk about their current job, their dream job or their lack of a job. They talk, rant and complain about their coworkers, their bosses, their customers and their competitors. Now many people are turning to social media to help find their next job.

Social media can be a valuable recruitment tool when used properly. Savvy recruiters are monitoring online activity and can target individuals that might fit their vacant positions. Sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are becoming the new “Help Wanted” sections with the added benefits of open communication.

The information gathered from social site searches offers a different view of the individual. Recruiters can usually get a more complete assessment of the person. They’re able to look beyond a “resume view” and see how the person interacts with others, who they talk to and what they say.

The idea of recruitment is still a vital part of the process. Social media offers new ways to find and communicate with potential candidates but it’s still up to the recruiter to do the leg work and eventually seal the deal. As more organizations start exploring this form of recruitment, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to beat your competitors to the punch. Companies with a solid online recruitment strategy will win in the end.

Our online recruitment options can help you stay ahead of the competitions. We offer social media monitoring, targeted online advertising campaigns and online recruitment strategy development. Check out our online marketing for recruitment services page for more information.

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Post Written By:

Duncan McGillivray

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Director of Advertising

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