Understanding Programmatic Advertising

Programmatic advertising is a buzzword referring to the automated buying and selling of online ad space. This method uses machine learning and algorithms to find the right audiences by analyzing their web behaviour, search queries, and other online activities.

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How TikTok & Other Social Media Platforms Have Impacted Attention Spans & Digital Ad Effectiveness

The rise of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok has undoubtedly transformed the way we consume content. While these platforms offer a wealth of educational information, laughs and entertainment, they have also shown to have a significant impact on the human brain in ways no one saw coming.  Here’s the tea: According…

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How Does City Design & Geographical Differences Impact the Effectiveness of Digital Advertising?

Over the years we’ve worked with many a client looking to enter a new market. Whether it’s a mortgage broker looking to expand, a franchise opening a new location, or new business ready to open its doors, there’s often a lot of uncertainty and doubt about what marketing strategy makes the most sense. Often times,…

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Why Cutting Your Digital Ad Budget During A Recession Is A No-No

As our society is being bombarded with tales of doom and gloom, bankrupt banks, economic crises, and a plunging stock market, it’s no wonder many are preparing their businesses for the possibility of another recession. Many businesses today made it through the 2008 housing crisis, and the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic; this is all very fresh…

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Will Bing Ads Make A Comeback with ChatGPT?

Microsoft Bing Search vs. Google Search has never really been much of a competition. Google Search vastly outnumbers and outperforms Bing both in effectiveness, reach and value to advertisers. While Bing captures about 7% of the search advertising market, their recent purchase of ChatGPT has a lot of eyes on Microsoft and how it will…

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Think Micro When You Content

When was the last time you read or watched a full post scrolling on Instagram or Facebook? Thanks to data, marketers know the average person on social media spends around eight seconds before losing attention – Vine had the right idea (RIP). This is why it’s so important to focus on implementing engaging content that…

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Keeping Your Retail Business Afloat During a COVID Christmas

As someone that’s spent more time in retail than in marketing, I can only imagine the stress that small retailers are going through. The good news is that all is not lost. Let’s take a look at a few low-cost ways to drive holiday sales in a lockdown world.

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Pandemic Social Marketing 101

As the entire planet is in the midst of an economic shutdown, and businesses the world over being forced to close down and shut there doors to ‘flatten the curve’ of the COVID-19 epidemic, it’s no wonder businesses are at a loss of what to do for their digital marketing.  Without clearly defined timelines on…

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