• Client

    Local Tire Company
  • Services

    Digital Advertising Audit
  • Get In touch

Quick Summary

Our client was an Edmonton-based tire and service company, providing a range of tire and car mechanic services to individuals in the local area. With multiple locations across Edmonton, Calgary and surrounding provinces, they had a unique set up that could benefit from Local Ads. They had been using digital advertising to reach out to potential customers and generate leads but were struggling to achieve the desired results from their campaigns. They approached us to help them optimize their digital advertising efforts.


Our client was an Edmonton-based tire and service company, providing a range of tire and car mechanic services to individuals in the local area. With multiple locations across Edmonton, Calgary and surrounding provinces, they had a unique set up that could benefit from Local Ads. They had been using digital advertising to reach out to potential customers and generate leads but were struggling to achieve the desired results from their campaigns. They approached us to help them optimize their digital advertising efforts.

Local Tire Company research


Conversions: We generated 689 conversions versus 70, which represents a 984% increase. Cost per Conversion: We reduced the cost per conversion from $54.13 to $6.64, which represents an 88.5% decrease.

  • Our Solution

    After analyzing the client’s existing campaigns, we identified several areas for improvement. We re-built their search ad campaigns, with a focus on campaigns designed to generate conversions such as calls, forms, and direction requests. We also optimized their ad targeting to reach the right audience with relevant ads at the right time. We used a data-driven approach to improve the ad messaging, creatives, and landing pages, to increase the conversion rate and overall ad performance.

  • Results Achieved

    Over a one-month period from late February to mid-March, we were able to generate 689 conversions for our client, including 543 calls, and 146 direction requests to the store locations. We also managed to reduce the cost per conversion from $54.13 to $6.64, while only increasing spends by less than $800. These results exceeded our client’s expectations and helped them achieve their business objectives.

    Results Achieved
  • Conclusion

    Our digital advertising optimizations helped our client to achieve significant improvements in their conversion rate, cost per conversion, and overall ad performance over a short period of time. Our data-driven approach and expertise in digital marketing allowed us to optimize their campaigns quickly and effectively, generating a higher ROI for our client’s ad spend.

Technology we used

Wasting budget on digital ads? We can help!

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