Social Media Quick Tip – Assign a Gatekeeper

It’s easy for a social media program to fall victim to its own success. Initially, you might have to fight with upper management to get the program off the ground…. but once you’ve had some success, you might have to fight to keep control. We’ve all heard the stories of people that win a big…

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Social Media Tip of the Day or So – Negative Feedback

Negative comments and reviews are great opportunities! Still to this day, many companies are apprehensive about allowing customers to freely post their opinions, reviews and comments about their products. Why? Because they fear the feedback may be negative. Don’t let this happen to you. Let’s face it, no matter what service you offer, you can’t…

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The Million Dollar Question – ROI and Social Media

Everyone is eager to attach a $ to social media. I find that the ROI question often comes from someone that isn’t sold on the idea of social media and its place in business. They’re usually looking for a reason to believe. You can tell them all the feel good social media stories that you…

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Stuff We’re Trying –

E-marketers have a thing for stats. They’re our report card – they show us how we’re doing, they show us where we need to improve and they provide insight into things that we should try. Google Analytics is the stats program of choice for us and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. The only…

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Social Media Quick Tip – Listen, Listen, Listen

We sometimes think of social media about posting content and gaining followers. A huge part of social media is listening. People are online 24 hours a day talking about… well… everything. Monitoring online “chatter” is a good way to discover what people think of your brand, your competitors and your industry. Companies that listen, react…

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Social Media Quick Tip of the Day – Streamline Your Efforts

I often get questions asking about how people can streamline their social media efforts. My first tip is to limit the number of profiles that you manage. There are no rules saying that you have to be on every social media site. Pick your battles – pick one or two sites and focus your energy…

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Social Media Quick Tip of the Day – Location Based Services

Keep an eye on location based services. Sites like Foursquare and Gowalla use mobile technology to link consumers to the places that they visit. Companies are starting to use these sites to promote special offers to their visitors. Facebook recently jumped into the location game with the introduction of Facebook Places. Here’s a good article…

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Stuff We’re Trying –

I’ll be honest. I hate PowerPoint. Nothing says “boring presentation” like an old fashion PowerPoint show. Boring slides, boring colors, boring layouts… I can’t say that I’ve ever been blown away by a PowerPoint slideshow. Obviously good content makes good presentations but it’s always nice when someone has the content laid out in an interesting way. I…

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