Youtube is a Powerful SEO Magnet

Not many people know that Youtube has recently surpassed Yahoo to become the second-largest search engine, behind Google. Let me show you something. Open up Google in a new window. Type in “how to clean silver”, press enter. What do you see? Two Youtube videos sitting in the number two spot. Pick another topic of…

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Going Viral

There’s been a lot of talk over the past few years about going viral. But what does it take? How do you make a viral video? Well, let me stop you right there. There is no secret formula for going viral. There are however, similarities between the videos that do. With the emergence of many…

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Starting a Blog – Picking Your Topic

It seems everyone wants to create the ultimate pit stop on the information superhighway…. many with the hopes of fame and fortune. Throw up a few interesting and engaging blog posts, sprinkle in some advertisements and collect your cheques. People will care about what you have to say and will soon be hanging on your…

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Why Facebook May Just Kill Gmail

When it comes to social media marketing, Facebook is a huge powerhouse. Now with Facebook launching the initial details behind their Facebook Mail this past Monday, there is no doubt in our minds that they will retain their powerhouse status. Facebook Mail’s biggest feature, besides tying in to your personal Facebook profile is its ability…

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Custom Facebook Pages & FBML

Is HTML a dying language? Many bloggers and website developers nowadays have little knowledge of HTML coding. Facebook has brought it back.  But even then, there are many companies offering tools to create custom Facebook pages without the need to know HTML. So depending on your coding skill there’s a Facebook option for you to…

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The Future of Social Media

We discussed determining ROI with Social Media in a previous post, and we feel the future of social media lies within this dilemma.  If you can’t directly attribute sales figures to your social media campaigns, what can you do?  Well Alvenda, has recently launched a new Facebook page for Delta Airlines that will bring some…

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Link Shorteners & SEO

What are link shorteners used for? Well the original purpose of a link shortener was to simply take a huge long URL, and shorten it up.  The use of them exploded once the social media website “Twitter” came to market. When you’re only able to use 140 characters, sharing a long link limited you to…

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Content Writing and SEO

Let’s face it, content is king. Like many bloggers out there, I’m always looking for ways to quickly charge up the search engine rankings. Over the past 5 years of blogging and working on websites, I have come up with some pretty solid strategies for content writing that anyone and everyone should abide by. Here’s…

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