Event Purchasing: The Wave Model

The Wave Model of Event Purchasing A general trend we have observed is a “wave” pattern in online ticket purchases. There is commonly stronger online ticket purchases at the beginning and end of a campaign. When graphed out, this looks somewhat like a wave. You will see higher purchase rates towards the beginning, followed by…

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A Strong Coffee Guide to Mobile Visitation

Here’s a Strong Coffee guide to mobile visitation. We compared four of our clients visitation by device (percentage) between 2012 and 2013. The underlying trend is a decrease in desktop usage and a strong increase in mobile and tablet usage. There are a few steps you can take to ensure that you’re taking advantage of…

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Augmented Reality Marketing & Promotions

An exciting and engaging technology, augmented reality offers some amazing digital marketing opportunities. Strong Coffee Marketing has been able to harness it with some pretty incredible results in a number of Edmonton and Alberta based augmented reality promotions. Not sure what it’s all about? Here’s an “official” definition… “Augmented reality (AR) is a type of interactive,…

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1 on 1 Marketing Consultation with Strong Coffee

We are offering up three 1-on-1 sessions for any online marketing topic you chose with Strong Coffee’s Trevor Tessier. We will do a random draw on July 1st, 2013 to come see you at your favourite coffee hangout (we’re buying). Fill out the form below! (Please note: We are based in Edmonton, St. Albert and…

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Augmented Reality – We are moving so fast the future is now in the past

With the rise of the smartphone and the coming of Google Glass, the seam between real life and a digital experience will begin to blur as the world becomes the web for browsing. This spring, Fort Edmonton Park has partnered with Aurasma.com and Strong Coffee Marketing to create an Augmented Reality (AR) experience for the 2013 season. The AR…

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River Valley Alliance Website Launch

We are very excited to have worked with the River Valley Alliance in the development of a new web presence. As an avid user of the Edmonton and area river valley,  Trevor from Strong Coffee was particularly excited to work on this project as the website was launched last week on the heels of a $90 million Capitol Project…

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2012 Travel Alberta Alto Awards | Marketing Excellence

Tourism Red Deer, Central Alberta Country Drive and Strong Coffee Marketing were the proud recipients of two prestigious Alto Awards on Monday October 22nd, at the Travel Alberta Industry Conference in Banff. We were very excited to be part of the following projects and look forward to future success within the Red Deer and central Alberta region….

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Local Search Optimization for Your Hotel

I was recently asked to write an article for a local newspaper on small hotels and search engine optimization. Although this is a local hotel SEO focus, these concepts are applicable across all local businesses with a web presence. Smaller hotels, B&B’s and other businesses have a tough time keeping up to the big chains with regards…

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